Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's almost springtime! Really!

Hi Folks, I know I kind of fell down the rabbit hole a while back. But now I am back in action., honestly, I don't know why I started this silly blog. It was a whim. But now I feel sort of obligated to at least post something once in a while. So here goes: my mom gave me her slow cooker a while back, and I've been experimenting w/various recipes. I made a sort of Indian style chicken w/butternut squash, onions, chicken thighs, and biryani spices, a splash of sherry, and it was goood! Last night I made some roasted fennel, and I must say, it was tasty. I just tossed the sliced fennel w/lots of garlic, some ground coriander seeds, a few anchovies, and nice olive oil. Roasted it for a couple of hours on 300 degrees, and served it w/crabcakes, and some nice beet salad. For those of you who like beets, and you know who you are, take about 2 lbs of beets, roast them, covered, until tender, then dice, toss with diced jicama, diced red pepper, and add some salt, pepper, vinegar, oil, and maybe a dash of pomegranate molasses, and some torn cilantro leaves, and you're done. My friends liked it, it had a nice texture, and it complimented the very rich crabcakes. I will not give a recipe for crabcakes here, because you have to try really hard to screw them up. For people who aren't used to making them, just follow the recipe on the can, OK? All you need to remember is do not salt them. And don't forget the Old Bay Seasoning. That's very important. As far as other interesting food developments in my world lately, I've been subbing alternatives to wheat flour in my baking, like spelt, brown rice flour, etc. I find that the spelt does best at imitating wheat flour, and rice is a bot too fine and dry for holding together, buckwheat is nice, also. I just like to play around and see how things work together, Which brings to mind one of my favorite kid's movies I've ever seen, Ratatouille, for lots of reasons, visually, it's so much fun. But the most important reason I loved this movie is the message, which is relevant to kids as well as adults, "anyone can learn to cook, all you have to do is be fearless, after all, it's only food. What's the worst thing that can happen? You screw it up, throw it out, and order a pizza!" OK, I know that all wasn't in the movie, but that almost sums up part of my philosophy of cooking, if I even have one. Just have fun, and do not be afraid of the food. It's there for your benefit, after all, right? Enjoy Spring and all its bounty, me, I can't wait to just shed some clothing layers, get back on my bike, and start training for the 5-boro bike tour in May. Maybe it'll inspire me to finally quit these damn cigarettes!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Yes, it really is this incredible! But don't take my word for it, go there. They need your American tourist dollars! I plan to go back as often as I can. Maybe even next year. We saw all manner of wildlife, bald eagles, moose (Sean saw 2!), seals frolicking in the ocean, tons of chipmunks, and cats. The most beautiful thing about this place, for me, was the quiet. It was really difficult to re-enter my city existence after being in such a peaceful place for 2 weeks. But there you go, I would be bored if I lived there all the time, the quiet would eventually turn into a roar of restlessness, and the scenery would no longer be breathtaking, after a while. I must admit that I am an urban woman, and am living in my element: movement, action, people, diversity, buildings, streets, dirt, noise, clutter, discord. All things I have been raised with, and I am a part of, are a part of me. But it sure is nice to get away, if you can. Next trip: New Year's in Vermont. Maybe some snowshoeing, maybe some ski-blading, if money's not too tight. In any event, I will be with my dear friends/chosen family, in a place of peacefulness, and hopefully celebrating a new chapter in our political future! Happy Fall, Y'all.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Going North!

Hi All, Sean and I are heading north, first to Toronto, to visit with our dear friends, Ingi and Emma. Then we take off to Halifax, Nova Scotia, and continue on to Cape Breton Island, to visit with our dear friend Kerstie. Cape Breton Island is probably in my top 5 beautiful places to visit. Unspoiled beauty, dramatic seascapes, villages that seem like time stopped 100 years ago... Accents ranging from Scottish to French, I cannot accurately describe the uniqueness of this place. You will just have to see it for yourself someday, those of you who haven't had the pleasure yet. I will be submitting an entry when we return. Until then, have a lovely 2 weeks.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

HELLOOO out there....

Hi folks, just a quickie, only to say, thanks for all the folks out there who have helped me, loved me, and supported me. I believe that you cannot say thank you enough, so again THANKS

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Happy June!~ And Happy summer, almost officially. Lately things around here have been a bit of a whirl, which seems to have become my regular way of life. I wonder if I'd be happy if it weren't that way... Has anyone noticed a sense of waiting for the other shoe to drop? I have. I feel a crackling of anticipation, is it external or internal? Does it matter? I suppose not. Possibly it's the excitement of the change of seasons, or the sudden rise in temperature, causing me to want to move, do, or otherwise take action. I have a sense of impatience, and now that I write about it, I feel that it is almost entirely internal, I am impatient for the end of the 2007-2008 school year, in order to regroup myself professionally. After a few days, I'll be working with a completely different population than I have been these past 5 months: from 4-9 year olds to 14-21 year olds. YIKES! Young adults! It's been a while since I've worked with this demographic, and I admit a little nervousness. Mostly excitement, optimistic anticipation, but a tiny bit of anxiety, which I feel is simply situational. I will be working in Sheepshead Bay, which is also new, and interesting. Maybe I'll go to the beach after work...walk along the pier and bring home some fresh fish for dinner. I have 10 days in August in Toronto & Nova Scotia to look forward to, something I've been missing in my life since grad school started: TRAVEL! I promise I won't go on and on about it, except to say that if anyone gets the opportunity to visit the Maritimes in Canada, GO! You will be very happy indeed that you did. I went to Cape Breton Island, about 10 years ago, and it was so mind blowing, like stepping into another time, in nature, very very far from my experience of city life, and pretty different than most natural settings I'd been inn up until that time. I will say no more, and invite you to look for yourselves. And what's everyone else doing this summer?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my mom's birthday, and I'd like to be the first to say "Happy Birthday, Mommy!" You are a true survivor, a champion of the underdog, and the downtrodden, and a perpetual looker-on-the bright side! Thank you for instilling that positive slant on my outlook in me, I have steadfastly clung to it through many trying moments in my life. Mom, you are so much more than an inspiration for me, and for everyone your life has touched, and I thank you. So, enjoy this beautiful Spring weather, remember all the workers who made it possible for us to enjoy the working conditions that we do (or endure, as the case may be), being Mayday, it used to be a very different kind of celebration, more on that later. Does anyone remember the old slogan "Mayday is Jayday?" If you do, share your memories, whatever you can piece together at this late stage... I remember one Mayday in particular, and a very early morning shot or two of Cuervo....but that's another story, and somewhere, out there, is a picture of my cousin Ingrid and I at the frontline of the Yippee parade, clutching various party supplies, immortalized for HighTimes magazine....remember, ingie? i do..... have a great day, love Nadsquad

Monday, April 28, 2008

Back to work...

Hey Folks, Another spring break comes to a screeching halt today. I decided I needed a rest from flying all over the globe, so stayed local, spent excellent time with family and friends. But another week off wouldn't hurt. The guanciale was really good in the linguini alla matriciana, albeit very salty. I will use less next time. But my mom was happy. I believe that when you are feeling down, or a little under the weather, nothing fixes you up like a nice plate of pasta. Or pizza. One time when my stomach wasn't quite right, I stopped into Roma Pizza (7h ave and Berkeley, Bklyn) for a slice, and it fixed me right up! Happy Monday, everyone, and stay dry and cheerful, if possible...